Sunday 17 April 2011


My friend has sent this information on the military might of the
USA during World War 2. It is quite mind boggling:

 In 1944, the Soviet Stavka  fielded 500 divisions including over 60 Tank
divisions. The Wehrmacht was at its peak of 289 divisions with about 37
panzerdivisionen, even if many of these had a higher number of Assault
guns than Panthers and Tigers. They were on the defensive.

The British 2nd, 8th and 14th Armies totalled 100 divisions. This included
the 75% of the Canadian 1st Army which was British.

Between 1942 -1945, US Industry produced enough equipment, ..tanks,
vehicles of infinite variety, weapons, ammunition, clothing, rolling stock,
stores of every kind, to equip over 2000 divisions.......just for its Allies

Between 1939 and 1945, Germany produced 9 million tons of steel, and
Japan about 6.

The US steel industry, including US Steel and Bethlehem, produced 100
million tons of steel.

The United States built 155 aircraft carriers between 1941 and 1945,
including 37 Essex Class carriers.....the rest were mainly Escort carriers
like Gambier Bay.

Each escort carrier could carry 30-35 F4F Hellcats, the Essex class, around
70. Do the sums on the number of carrier-borne aircraft the Japs were up

Germany produced over 100000 aircraft in WW2, while British production
exceeded even that slightly.

The United States produced 245000 aircraft of all types in the same period.

On Dec 7th 1941, it was a lay -down misere for the Axis powers. It was all
over by the time the ink had dried on the instrument of War , authorized by
Congress, and signed by the President.

God Bless America.

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